Hints, tips, insights, resources and non-traditional thoughts given in the spirit of sharing information. |
Ivy Meadors presents:
and Delivering Advanced Presentations: Speaking skills for the Platform
or the Boardroom" |
March 2007 - #1 Our Services | Conferences and Events | Free Newsletter | HTHTS Home Page |
In This Issue Events
NWCCP presents
complimentary seminar:
Complimentary Tele-seminar
Complimentary Tele-seminar
- IRS Call Center
6th Annual Government Customer Support Conference and
The 9th Annual Help Desk Professionals Conference
and Expo
Be an Event Sponsor "ONLY 1 BOOTH LEFT" Click for more info or email GCS@hthts.com
GCSC 2007 Federal Consulting Group / Department of Treasury HDI Capital Area Local Chapter |
Have you seen the movie, Astronaut Farmer yet?
Billy Bob Thornton plays Charles Farmer who got his family to not only see his dream and vision but fully embrace and work towards the same goal together. A friend joined Charles Farmer and his family for dinner one night. He said most people would be happy to simply have their family to sit down to dinner together but he said to Charles, you've got them sitting down to dinner and talking about a common vision. As a leader, Charles gets his family to follow his lead and to share his vision. When things continue to get in the way, he never gives up. This is a movie about perseverance too. I don't want to ruin the movie for you but the end will inspire you to pursue your own ideals. What if your help desk / contact center team saw the same mission of becoming the utmost corporate assets? What if they did anything they could to realize this vision together? Why not consider taking your team to see the Astronaut Farmer movie together? Group too large? Consider taking the people who haven't been recognized for their performance in awhile or need a little inspirational kick in the pants. If you can't get out - bring the movies to them. A projector and a dark room are perfect for a little team building. The Endurance based on Shackleton's Way (see this link for some useful people-centered approaches to leadership) is another excellent movie to watch together. One of my clients took 300+ employees to see Star Wars (the day it came out) in the middle of the day. They rented out the entire theatre. I went along and it was incredible to experience team building on this scale. I suspect you would see a change in performance after such an adventure with your own team. You will probably feel a change in your own outlook about realizing your ideals too, if you see Astronaut Farmer.
RESOURCES (top) High Tech High Touch Solutions website - New additions/updates A full page of motivational quotes and links to websites on quotes. Useful to include in newsletters, email signature lines, and on your reader boards. They're worth the time to read.Events: Completely updated and lists upcoming events including complementary tele-seminars. Recommended Reading List: Our booklist has been updated with a number of new options. If you haven't seen the list before, please do drop by. There's something there for everyone. * * * * * * Productivity in the Call Center
* * * * * * Comedy video clips: One event speaker shares: "I would absolutely love to speak at any/all of your events - I'm in awe of the quality and content of each of these great conferences (and I've attended enough "other" conferences to know a real winner/loser when I see one - and yours are REAL WINNERS). " "Keep up the great work," Greg Charles, Computer Associates (CA) The 6th Annual Government Customer Support Conference and Expo Come to Alexandria, Virginia early and enjoy tours of the local area and be refreshed, ready to start on Monday morning to begin three full days of learning about the help desk, contact center and service portal revitalization underway. Book your hotel room now to get the super reduced room rate.
Look who's keynoting at GCSC 2007 in May! Prosci Research are the industry experts in Change Management. There are loads of invaluable resources on their website. We are very fortunate to have Phil Eastman, a Senior Instructor from Prosci Research, as our keynote speaker presenting, Managing the People Side of Change: Best Practices for 2007 and Beyond. Changes to processes, systems and tools ultimately require people to change how they do their jobs. Yet, employee resistance to change remains the number one obstacle to successful transformations. Change management is the key to minimizing resistance, gaining buy-in from executives and reducing any impact on your customers. This keynote session will provide a change management foundation and share lessons and best practices from Prosci’s new 2007 change management research study with hundreds of companies all over the world. Benefits of Attending:
Take Away: All attendees get free copy of "Change Management: The People Side of Change" book. Phil Eastman is a master instructor with Prosci Research. Phil was previously the CEO and president of Key Bank of Idaho, and Chairman of the Board for the United Way of Idaho’s Treasure Valley region. * * * * * * * * GCSC has an incredible half-day post conference on "Another Kind of “Smart”: Using Leadership Quotients to Get Real Results" Read more. UCC Exclusive Site Tour: Reserve a spot on the exclusive site tour of the Unified Communications Center on Wednesday, after the closing session. The site is billed as one of the premier facilities of its kind in the nation. There are only 8 spots left on the UCC tour so hurry and sign up now. Email GCS@hthts.com to make your reservation. (The site tour is only available to conference attendees.) READER ASKING / READER ANSWERING (top) Lisa Zerda from Molina Healthcare: Does anyone have call protocols vis-ŕ-vis distressed callers (i.e. suicide or bomb threat) they can share? Susan Gemmel from the Crisis Clinic shares: There are numerous very useful resources and statistics (some very shocking ones) posted on the Crisis Clinic website that are useful on crisis management. If you are looking for training for your call center, call the business office of your local Crisis Clinic to ask about the training they offer. Visit the Seattle Crisis Clinic website for insights on things to do in the case of a suicide or homicide threat. Additional resources:
If you have more information on this topic, please send your answers to solutions4u@hthts.com and we will post them. BIG NEWS - NEW LEADERSHIP COURSE! (top) Unleash the Leader Within: A Better Way to Manage Customer-Support Operations Brand new course for service and support managers loaded with fresh material for the advanced professional being unveiled at the 6th Annual Government Customer Support Conference and Expo.Eric Rabinowitz of Dema Education and Eric Svendsen of SCInc., two of the most insightful, knowledgeable and fun instructors in the Help Desk industry will be delivering this two-day course at the Government Customer Support Conference and Expo on May 10-11, 2007 in Alexandria, VA. Hurry and sign up now - only 10 seats left! Sharing Solutions and Ideas If you have solutions or non-traditional ideas you would like to share with our readers, please email me so we can share it with the thousands of readers from all over the world who subscribe to eSharings. The next issue of eSharings includes some fun and unusual ideas for things to do in your own service and support centers. These have been submitted by people who are successfully using these ideas in their own groups.
Mark your calendars now for the
October 22-24, 2007 in Phoenix Arizona at the incredible Pointe South Mountain Resort
It would mean a lot to us if you would please forward this newsletter to two others and encourage them to subscribe to our secure, never sold or shared readership. Thank you so much. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION (top) Feel free to reprint this newsletter, eSharings, in its entirety with our copyright information intact. To subscribe visit our website at www.hthts.com or reply to this copy with subscribe in the subject line. To unsubscribe click the link at the bottom of this email that says unsubscribe. Note: eSharings will contain links to sites on the Internet, which are owned and operated by third parties. High Tech High Touch Solutions, Inc. is not responsible for the content of any such third-party site. |
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